


A home with recent chimney flashing and repair in Central Illinois

Chimney Flashing and Repair

It’s incredibly desirable to have a home with a fireplace and chimney. Spending winter with the family gathered around the glow of your hearth can bring warmth to anyone’s heart. However, having a fireplace and chimney comes with a price: constant upkeep. Aside from ensuring your fireplace is safe and clean, you must worry about the state of your chimney. After years of exposure to the elements (or if improperly installed), your chimney can become a source for water to penetrate your home. However, with chimney flashing and repair, Popejoy Roofing can resolve leaks before they begin.

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A vent that is part of an attic ventilation system for a home in Central Illinois

Attic Ventilation Systems

Often, the one space that gets overlooked in our houses is the attic. While mostly an area for storage, keeping the temperature of your attic regulated is vital to the overall health of your home. If left unchecked, heat and humidity combined with potential leaks can lead to rotting wood, mold and a host of other issues. However, with attic ventilation systems installed by Popejoy Roofing, you can keep your attic in check and your family happy and healthy.

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Gloved contractor pulling leaves from a gutter during gutter cleaning in Central Illinois

Gutter Cleaning

How often do you find yourself thinking about gutters? You might find it’s not something always at the top of your mind. Only until you witness water overflowing from the sides of your gutters do you take notice, and by then, the damage may have already been done. However, by having Popejoy Roofing take a look at your gutters at the start of the rainy season, you can ensure everything is clean and well-maintained. We offer gutter cleaning for residents throughout Central Illinois, so you don’t have to spend time doing so yourself.

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